Steve Sweeney

Steve Sweeney is our Production Director.  He oversees the technical aspects of our campus.

From Steve: "I remember when I was young and I used to call radio stations to try to win their prizes. Over and over, I kept getting a busy signal. Frustrated, I would hang up the phone and try again. Over time, I gave up and stopped calling. I just imagined what the DJ was thinking as he saw all the blinking lights of people calling in to try to win stuff. It must have felt overwhelming.

It’s not that way with God. He doesn’t have a busy signal. I call Him and He answers. No busy signal. That’s why having a personal relationship with Jesus means so much to me. Because He always answers my calls. I’m so grateful he doesn’t see all of us as overwhelming lights on a switchboard but instead sees us for what we are - His children made in His image.

I wish I could say I never hung up the phone on God. But I did. And it never worked out for me. God gave us the gift of His Son and made sure there was no busy signal but I still hung up. What’s funny is that He knew I would call back, like so many of us do in our lives. God knew where I was each step of the way. Whether I was living in the midwest or overseas, as I dabbled in His presence, He made sure to be there for me. Ever since I was in elem school, where I received Christ at a VBS in my neighborhood, He kept placing His believers in my life to remind me that He was there. It was like he kept saying, “Don't hang up the phone, Steve."

Throughout most of my life, I have shown a strong interest in the performing arts. I am fascinated with how productions are put together. No matter where I live, I look for where the theaters are and try to get a backstage tour. I am fascinated by the size of the wings, the fly systems and the props and scenery. I love checking out the lighting equipment and racks of sound gear in the tech booths. Even at outdoor music concerts, I’m the guy who is walking around studying the lighting rigs and speaker clusters suspended in the air. God was generous in letting me be a part of that world in my career. 

However, God’s plan for me was more than just production. It was even more than working for a great company named after a fruit. Since I’ve lived in Florida, He’s given me several gifts that I cherish so that when I called Him back for the last time in 2008, He knew it was time to have me stay on the line for good. 

His latest gift was to introduce me to Calvary Church. After hearing how God’s Word was taught, I knew He had brought me to the right place. Being able to serve on staff has been an abundant blessing for me. This role allows me to merge my personal passion with His greater purpose. That’s a union only He could have arranged." 

Andy Bugsby