Felicia LaCerva

From Felicia: I moved from Ohio to Jupiter, Florida, in 2011. My husband Dave and I have been married for four years. I have two wonderful children, Jaimie and John, who still live in Ohio.

In search of looking for a church home, I came to Calvary and right away made it my home church. Calvary was unlike any other church that I had ever attended. I heard the gospel shared in truth and love. I learned so much! I began to serve in any and every area at church to be able to give back. I wanted to be a part of what God was doing here so others could feel the love of Jesus as I did. It changed my heart and my life. I am so blessed to be part of this church family!!

My husband Dave and I now have two beautiful grandchildren, Max and Lucia who are my absolute joy. So if you don't find me in the Next Steps area on Sunday, you know I'm in Ohio.

Andy Bugsby